
5 Things You Can Do Now to Get an Ohio Marijuana Card

With so many people in the U.S. suffering from severe illnesses that would be easily treatable with medical marijuana, it’s no surprise that lawmakers are looking at ways to make marijuana more accessible to patients who could benefit from its healing properties. But what if you don’t live in one of the 24 states where medical marijuana  is currently legal? Don’t worry – there are still plenty of steps you can take now to obtain a medical card, whether you live in an area where it’s legal or not. Here are five things you can do now to get your medical card.

Apply For Ohio Marijuana Card

A person must have been diagnosed with one of the qualifying conditions in order to be eligible for medical marijuana. Each state that allows marijuana use has established its own criteria, but all states require at least one of these: HIV/AIDS, glaucoma, cancer, and other severe or chronic pain syndromes. The application process is lengthy (typically taking four to six months), so it’s important to apply as soon as possible. During that time period you will not be able to possess or grow any marijuana or buy products from dispensaries; instead you can purchase over-the-counter medication, if approved by your doctor. But there are steps you can take now that will ease your transition into legal possession when (and if) your application is approved.

Keep your Ohio marijuana card updated

Just like with your driver’s license, medical marijuana card should be renewed regularly. If you have a medical marijuana card from any state other than Ohio, you will need to get an Ohio Marijuana card in order to purchase cannabis legally in Ohio. Additionally, if your Ohio marijuana card has expired, you cannot make purchases until it is updated and valid.

Talk with your doctor about marijuana use

Before going any further, it’s important that you understand your state’s medical marijuana laws. For instance, in some states, doctors can recommend medical marijuana as an alternative to opioids and anti-anxiety medications. And even though there are no studies showing medical marijuana is effective for treating anxiety or other mental health disorders, if you feel like it helps your condition (and it doesn’t have any major side effects), by all means go for it! At the very least, research your state’s laws so you can make sure you’re operating within them. (Learn more about cannabis and CBD here.)

Research all of your health care options

If you’re not yet familiar with 420 Evaluations, there’s no time like the present. Find out if MMJ is legal in your state and start looking for doctors who can help you get started. The more you know about how it works, what types of products are available and who can prescribe it, your chances of landing a card will increase exponentially. Patients often complain that their doctors are hesitant to give them recommendations because they don’t want to be liable should something go wrong; if that’s been your experience, try explaining how important marijuana is for your overall health.

Tell everyone you know!

This may seem like an obvious tip, but it’s easy to forget that many medical Marijuana card seekers don’t want their employers or friends and family to know they’re doing it. The best way to keep your search private is simple: tell no one you’re doing it—and avoid all mg-related social media groups. If word gets out at work that you’re planning on signing up for Ohio Marijuana card, chances are your boss will hear about it. It could even get back to HR if someone in management sees your status update on Facebook. Be careful of what you post! And remember: Keep quiet about any changes in diet or appearance, too (like weight loss). Your coworkers might be worried something is wrong with you if they notice these subtle differences!